HS Mens Overnight Retreat
March 14 - 15, 7:00 pm - 9:00 am
High School Youth Ministry invites our young men (grades 9-12) to join us for an overnight retreat. The group will meet in the Toth’s home at 7:00 PM to set-up the sleeping arrangements for the evening. (The address will be provided after registration.)
Young men are required to wear ties to dinner, which will be grilled by Mr. Toth! Dinner will be followed by dessert and special evening activities, including a devotion on brotherhood and Romans 12:10.
In the morning breakfast will be served before pickup/departure at 9:00 AM.
Retreat Cost: $50/per person
Cost Includes – Dinner, supplies for evening activities, and breakfast.
Cost Includes – Dinner, supplies for evening activities, and breakfast.
Online registration for this event is now closed. For more information, please contact Mrs. Hammett at 248-818-0861 or MHammett@stjohnrochester.org.